So we reached Habour Front, and boarded Batam Fast, Asia's Favourite Ferry Operater (as advertised everywhere) and sat at the outdoor passenger area....
Dad came back from night shift so he got himself cosy and stretch himself on the seats and slept throughout the journey... While my sibs and I frolick around the ferry while on board, cept for Aisyah who was stiff (seasick) ...
We moved past Sentosa's battery fortress..
and the beaches...... Then it rained heavily.... Mum and Aisyah moved indoor so that they won't get wet.. But my Bros and I thrived the rain and got wet... After about an hour of so.... We reached our destination...... BATAM!!!
We decided to shop at Mega-Mall itself. Oh btw, check out the headines of the BatamNews.
Lunch was on top of the list.... We ate at Ayam Penyet... wonder why, when we could always eat Ayam Penyet at the S'pore outlets.... Then we dived ourselves into shopping.... At Matahari (something like Metro, Isetan department store)
But most of the time was spent in the Hypermart... They have the coolest things like Body Mists and perfumes... smelling like Escada, Hugo and what nots.... And funny foodstuffs... Their pharmacy department is so huge... They have many-to-choose-from medications just for headaches alone... Panadol is rolling its shutters down over there! And of course cheap too!
Example of prices would be: Sunsilk Shampoo - SGD 3
Instant noodles - Less than 10cents per packet
Cut Fruits - Less than a dollar
Cotton Blend Tshirts - Less than SGD 4
So naturally my mom got crazy... she shopped so much in the Hypermart....
and that was not all... some were in out bags... Yeah, my mom was contented, but my dad was tired.... We started off carrying only 3 bags in... At the end of the shopping spree, the bags sort of 'gave birth'.....
And so we sat down for dinner while waiting for the ferry at A&W's!!! Root Beer Float, Waffle Ice-cream, Sausage Melts... Yummy....
Finally we headed home.. all tired....
Although it was only for a day, it has been emotional for me. My family never got out for holidays or anything for the longest time (cept for Hari Raya Gatherings). Else we would be too busy with work, our social lives, school.... no time for family. So 12th June 2007, is a moment I'd cheris
For more pics, pls go to
Hey babe!
Sounds like your family had fun at Batam. I love going out with my family too, as in the whole family, cos we dont do it that often, so it really does mean alot when we actually to. hehe.
and i want to eat at A&W !!!
Yeah I know.... I luuurrvvee A&W's!!!
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