Sunday, 24 August 2008

Another birthday post. I fell asleep while waiting.... And I felt so sore. I guess my last birthday as a single girl didn't turn out what I wanted it to be. I should've gone out and party hard and rocked the world. But instead, I sat my ass at home and fell asleep. I can't believe why I'm doing this to myself.

It sucks to know that I relied too much on one person to make my world. I should've just plan out on my own and make myself happy. As a perfectionist that I'm supposed to be. If I had planned my own birthday it wd turn out great. Like my previous chalets... Sigh... I will not get to do it anymore. Next year, I will celebrate as a wife. So last yr's was actually my last as a single person.

Let's see if the rest of the day is gonna turn out shitty.
Happy birthday to meeeeee, happy birthday to meeeeeeeee, happy birthday dear Epy... happy birthday to me.......

Its my birthday. But I'm all alone at home while Jo goes out to JB. He msged me happy birthday, but didn't personally call to wish so. Aaaargh, signs of complacency!!!!

But I can't whine as much... Jo spent the day with my family to the Singapore Flyer! His first encounter as the fiance and spending time with my family isn't an easy feat.My family loves to walk... and we walk damn fast. He walked and toiled the rain.. Jo thinks my mom very rugged, walked in the rain without complains at all. Yeah, that's where I got my rugged genes...

I know I should applaud him n give him the credits he deserves, but right now, I'm just sore....

It's my birthday and I cry if I want to, Cry if I want to, Cry if I want to..... You will cry roo if it happens to you!

Thursday, 21 August 2008


This could have been better,
For I had used a cap to protect my head.
But instead I let my heart open
So they ripped and tear it apart.

This the game they used to play,
Hide your feelings, let it go astray.
Who could fulfill the prophecy of life
If you could walk through it someday.

This could have been brought to shore,
If I hadn'e drifted too far away,
But it seems nothing could bring me back
To where I dream to stay.

This is the story of the life
A life so cool that it breaks the heart
A lesson too evil to swallow in spit
A day so great we will never remember.