Saturday, 16 June 2007

I can't believe that you haunt me till today. Our lives are never the same anymore. It's like you are in a totally different realm than I am today. You can't survive in the planet I have moved to now. Accept it. What happened was prolly the biggest mistake of our lives and I can't ammend it and neither can you. Your efforts would still be worthless even for a thousand years.

You chose to lead that rugged life of yours. I was just young and naive then. It was just my inquisitive nature and my girl instinct to be liking bad boys like you. Boys. Those were the days I was a meek lil girl. A confused lil girl trapped in the shadows of popularity. Trapped and blinded by detrimental motion. And you got trapped. I got away. You know once you are trapped you can never get out. And I won't wait.

Seriously, no other girl in the right state of mind would. At least not me. Not a girl like me. I was carefree. I wanna do mistakes after mistakes till I won't have to do anymore mistakes. I wanna learn as much as I can till I don't have the ability to. And you know you can't curb that part of me. You tried. You failed. Why won't you just accept it?

I have come a long way from that tattered and torn rag to a piece of rare silk I am today. I am furnished and surrounded with gems who loves me. Don't tear that away. You know you are stuck forever with that ribbon on your head and you can't erase it. It's hard for you, but over the years, have you considered that things change tremendously despite the fact you try to leave them as it is?

Why can't you leave my gems alone? Why do you need to find out how I am doing? Don't wreck my already mended life. I don't wanna sink in there anymore. I can't. I'm not who you used to know. That girl is dead long ago. She is burried in books. She is dead. Get it in your head. I am not her.

I have my solitaire diamond with me. He'll cut you deep if you dare.

I can't believe this is raking up again........

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