Sunday, 20 December 2009

Historical Events that happen on my Birthday....

24 August 79 AD:
Mount Vesuvius erupted and destroyed the city of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

24th August 1511:
Portugese troops under Alfonso Albuquerque occupy Malacca.

24th August 1847:
Charlotte Bronte finishes manuscript of "Jane Eyre"... Beautiful.

24h August 1891:
Thomas Edison patents his first motion picture camera... Nikon, Canon, Pentax... suck it.

24th August 1981 (the exact day I was born):
Mark David Chapman is sentenced to 20 years to life for John Lennon's murder...

24th August 2006:
Pluto no longer called a planet, instead demoted to being a "dwarf planet" alongside Ares.... Sob sob...

So I deduced that...
I've a very eruptive temper, visionary and dominant, a good writer, takes good pcitures, could murder a famous musician and always constantly "belittled"...

Have a nice day.

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