I think this year has been swell.
Went out with Jo's JSSians and it was fab... Especially with Taufik Batisah in a cameo appearance. I didn't know he was so tall... Waaahhh...
Went out with Jo's JSSians and it was fab... Especially with Taufik Batisah in a cameo appearance. I didn't know he was so tall... Waaahhh...

But the best part of it was my sec skoolmates... We were THERE! We actually took time off to pose in front of our alma mater... At night and we were creating quite a din! I thought it was an awesome day. With Arf and Nana giving a tour of their home, racing cars on the roads like as if we were on go-carts, watching scary movies at nightfall, Azmi giving Joyo a fright of his life (he literally jumped on Ija)...
Talking about scary movies... We watched "Wujud". For those who know nuts abt its existence (wat irony), it's about of group of paranormal investigators going around S'pore to capture sightings... no not alien of sorts, but ghosts, all around S'pore. It's this amateur video where they were armed with only video cameras and bad lighting... and it was a major rip-off. We were scrutinising the video and figured that they have spoofed the whole shit up. WTH?? After so much hoo-haa, it was just a cheap scam! PLUS, the vid was full of English and even MALAY grammatical errors!!!! Some major spelling errors eg "life footage"... shouldn't it be "LIVE footage"? Someone please, edit the whole vid first before distributing it in the market... so embarrassing... Can you imagine a Malaysian-scholar-who-picked-up-the-video's shock and horror on the language used??? Tho I dun see why a Malaysian scholar would wanna pick up a crap video like this, but yeah, damn it, it's MALAY... Can't you even do MALAY...? I bet I can. So you can imagine the other parts of the English. Nuff said.
I mean, it's not because I'm a freakin educator. But it's just how we should potray ourselves in the local market. We are supposed to have the "educated population", aren't we? Well, not how the crap vid displays us.
Ian's mystery thingy with the ustaz was much scary, tho we see nothing much, but we feel the genuinity. Even the Indon movie, which we watched at Hairi's and Sahinah's, (Suster Ngesot) was much much more scary. Tell the truth, I was freaked out that night and I couldn't exactly hit the sack at ease.
Anw I'm sniffing school hols now..... Yeaaaayy!!! Jealous? Dun be.
I'll update my multiply album real soon... Wait up.
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