Wednesday, 18 July 2007


I dunno hardship? I was never born with a silver spoon, people. Never did. Up till today, almost 26 years of my life on earth, my dad has never earned more than 3k per month. We NEVER had a family car, NEVER before. Most of our family outings are via public transportation.

My mom n dad got married when they were still at the brink of their youth, my mom was 19 and my dad was 21. My mom got pregnant and gave birth to me when she was going to be 22. My dad was just a lance corporal with the police force. With A levels, my dad was considered quite educated back then. I remembered my dad buying my mo her first ever Seiko when he got promoted to corporal. And she still put it on her wrist whenever she goes out with my dad UP till TODAY. K gave my parents , "The Most Romantic Couple Alive" title. Yeah, to a certain extent, I do find them quite a mush.

My mom stopped working when me and my bro start primary school. So can you imagine my dad, with only so much, fending for our household, my mom's needs, his childrens' needs and so on? But Alhamdulillah, we never got luxuriously great but we had everything.

We had love, and important factor of any family. My dad emphasize so much on religion when we were young, drilled us all the doa' s and prayers, and I am grateful today for that. I remebered I could not afford to buy my spike shoes for my competition, and my dad said to me,"Run with what you have, your pair of legs". As a child, I was bitter as my dad promised me a bicycle if I do well for my exams. Which I did, but at that time, we were facing some difficulties... I was too young to understand why my dad did not buy me the bicycle.

My dad could not go for further studies as he sets his priorities in providing for the family. He got stuck in the force with staff seargent rank for the longest time....

My dad quit the force to work with PSA. While doing that, he was also a relief taxi driver.... All that so that we can move to Woodlands, a bigger house so that my two younger siblings can have room. My dad sold our Yishun flat, did renovations in our Woodlands flat DIY so that he could have more money to save. Mom and Dad wanted to go Mecca, on a pligrimage for us Muslims. And they did.

Mom and Dad went to the holy land not once but for my mom, three times (2 on umrah), and my dad more than thrice. All sponsored trip. Alhamdulillah. My dad's ustaz wanted him to lead in Hajj and Umrah prayers for the other jema'ahs, hence he was given that opportunity to do so. Alhamdulillah.

Life was never a land of Gold for us. We have just enough. Yet we never fell into hunger and poverty. Thank God. Today, we have what we have, not too much, not too little. Average.

It is up to Him to bless you with the comfort of life. We worked hard, toiled through dirt and swet and at the end of the day, we are comfy. Rather than toiling but still never accomplished.

My mom is still a full-time housewife today,and doing what she loves best, sewing.

My dad works as a Security Officer at Aetos. And Alhamdulillah, we are still comfy, if not a lil better than we used to be. Barakah and Rezeki for us from Him.

There' s so much hardship can do to you. Seek help from Him. Be humble. Insya-Allah, life would be a lil better than we all think.

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