Sunday, 6 April 2008


After the weeks saga of over-protective parents, office pricks and bossy bosses, I still have to deal with my own personal strain. I have been swept with different kinds of overwhelming emotions, and God help me, I feel like sometimes I'm not cut for this shit.

I love to see the kids in the eyes and tell them how well they have done or bring them to realise that you cannot be doing this as it will hurt other people. But adults? It'll take them eon years and I dun think it will do anyone much justice. The first time in my life, I dreaded waking up in the morning for a brand new day. I have become so pessimistic. I hated walking through the 'Gates of Hell', knowing that whatever I do, there will be a satan lurking behind me and trying to stab me with their blunt pitchforks. It's a scary experience.

So what does it do for me? Personally, I am trying to make myself feel better. I try to be mentally strong and not let emotions get in the way. My motto for the year will be:


Endurance. Mental endurance more than anything physical.

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